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Hello, my name is Karissa. I am an energy healer and empath. My life purpose here on earth is to uplift and balance out energies. I am also a lightworker who receives downloads directly from the universe. I am a Master Number 33 life path as well, meaning spiritual work is my calling. I understood my spiritual abilities at the age of 3 years old. I am an empath, which makes me extremely sensitive to energies, good or bad. I have predicted several tragedies which came to pass. When I became aware of my spiritual gifts, I would often practice in my mind asking direct questions and would receive a download or vision of the correct answer. I'd write it down to check for confirmation later. I am a firm believer in masculine and feminine energy, the Ying and Yang and the boomerang effect: what goes around will certainly come back to you. I am consistently learning more and more about my gifts daily. I can offer clear and accurate readings to my clients. I specialize in general and love readings! I am able to tap into your life to discover the intentions of the people in your energy; if it's a relationship, friendship, family, etc. I can provide you with the next best step to take for the best outcome in your connections. I utilize my intuition combined with tarot cards to channel messages, I focus on encouraging my clients to tap into their own gifts because (we all have them) also to do the spiritual work and healing necessary to move forward on your personal life journey. PIN 7487
I became aware of my spiritual gifts at the age of 3 years old, I would practice by thinking of a question in my head and simply waiting on a answer, once i receive the download, I would write it down an check later for confirmation. I am still constantly learning more and more about my spiritual gifts daily.
Excellent 🤩
Karrisa is an excellent 🤩reader, she is stunnlingly accurate and is very polite and patient. I highly recommend a reading with this lovely lady ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Simone, London