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Spiritual Lovemaking Tips

Published 03/12/2023 by Louise Emma

Spiritual Lovemaking Tips

Top Tips to Practice Spiritual Sex

  1. Start slow and relax into your body. Take some deep breaths together and focus on how you feel. This is a great opportunity to discuss what you both like and don't like, so find out what each other's boundaries are before getting more intimate.
  2. Make sure to create a safe, comfortable, and sacred space for yourself and your partner by lighting candles, playing music, or doing whatever brings peace to the atmosphere. The physical environment can help you enter a spiritual state of being.
  3. Spend time gently caressing each other's bodies with hands or feathers, focusing on all the sensations during this exercise. This will help to awaken the hidden sexual energies within your partner and yourself while also deepening the connection between you two.
  4. Find out what kind of intimate activities your partner prefers - do they enjoy oral sex? Massage? Kissing? Experimenting with different kinds of touch can be exciting and pleasurable for both partners as it brings them closer together each time they try something new!
  5. Give compliments to one another throughout the experience - positive reinforcement helps keep the energy high and encourages both partners to explore deeper levels of pleasure together while deepening their connection.

Integrating Tantric Practices

  1. To deepen your spiritual lovemaking practice, incorporate tantric techniques such as breathing exercises or certain poses (like Yab-Yum). These will help bring both partners into an altered state of consciousness, allowing them to transcend beyond everyday life into an ecstatic experience full of divine love and blissful connection!
  2. Spend extra time focusing on sacral chakras (located at the lower abdomen) during foreplay - this part of our body holds our sexual energies, so when stimulated, it can open us up to entirely new dimensions of pleasure! Take turns massaging this area in circles from small to large until you feel relaxed and aroused at the same time – trust that any sensations that arise will only serve as a conduit for deeper intimacy between you two!
  3. When ready, move into sexual union in whatever way feels suitable for both partners – no need to rush here as there is no "right way" or "wrong way" when it comes to spiritual lovemaking! Focus on synchronising your breath with one another as well as sending loving thoughts back and forth between each other while engaging in intercourse – this will help bring out more intense feelings of pleasure than ever before!
  4. After reaching climax (or not!), spend some time embracing each other to extend the momentary blissful feeling brought about by orgasmic release even further – take this opportunity to bask in all that was shared between yourselves without judgment or expectation but rather with appreciation for every moment spent together during this sacred act! Again, stay in the moment and keep breathing deeply together while exploring each other's bodies and tasting all the flavours of ecstasy that come up!
  5. As you both reach a climax, take time to be with one another afterwards in a loving embrace – this is when you will truly understand the power of spiritual lovemaking and its ability to bring us closer together in ways we never thought possible!

Spiritual lovemaking can help deepen your connection with your partner and open new dimensions of pleasure and intimacy. Taking the time to create a safe space, communicate openly about boundaries, experiment with different kinds of touch, and incorporate tantric practices into your sexual experience can help bring you and your partner even closer together. With a little bit of effort and patience, spiritual lovemaking can become an integral part of every couple's relationship.

What Is Spiritual Sex or Spiritual Lovemaking?

Spiritual sex is a relatively recent term coined to describe a sexual experience that is infused with deeper, more meaningful dimensions beyond physical pleasure and gratification.

It is not simply a matter of adding more candles or playing some ambient music during sex, but rather an approach to sex that seeks to connect on a spiritual level, to go beyond the physical act of sex and attain a state of inner peace, ecstasy, and transcendence.

Although spiritual sex is not a formal discipline or doctrine in any religion, it draws on ancient traditions of Tantra, Taoism, and other spiritual practices that view sex as a powerful tool of transformation and connection with the divine. In this view, sex is not merely a biological urge or a social convention but a portal to the transcendent, to what some call the "God within" or the "cosmic consciousness."

Spiritual sex involves a heightened awareness of one's body, one's partner, and the universal energies that flow through them. It entails cultivating a deep sense of love, acceptance, and reverence for oneself and one's partner, as well as the willingness to let go of ego, judgment, and preconceptions and enter a state of non-dual awareness. This can be done through various practices, such as meditation, breath work, visualisation, and communication.

Most importantly, spiritual sex is a collaborative and consensual endeavour that requires communication, trust, and mutual respect between partners. It is not a quick fix or a magic formula for sexual problems or relationship issues, but rather a path of personal and interpersonal growth that requires commitment, patience, and openness.

Spiritual lovemaking is a holistic and integrative approach to sex that seeks to honour the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our being and our connection to something greater than ourselves. It may not be for everyone, but for those who seek a more profound, fulfilling, and transformative sexual experience, it can be a life-changing journey of discovery and bliss.

The Connection Between Sex and Spirituality

Many religions and spiritual practices have placed a strong emphasis on sexual behaviour and its effects on the spiritual realm. In some cultures, sex is seen as a sacred act that can connect individuals with a higher consciousness or a divine energy.

One of the most well-known examples of the connection between sex and spirituality is in Tantra, an ancient practice originating from India. Tantra focuses on the union of the masculine and feminine energies within an individual and seeks to use sexual energy as a means of spiritual awakening. It is believed that through this practice, individuals can access a state of heightened awareness, experience greater sexual pleasure and intimacy, and even achieve enlightenment.

In more modern times, the study of psychology has shed further light on the connection between sex and spirituality. Research has shown that people who report a strong sense of spirituality or connection to a higher power are more likely to report higher levels of sexual satisfaction and intimacy in their relationships.

Studies have also found that individuals who engage in spiritual practices, like meditation or prayer, are more likely to experience greater sexual desire and arousal.

Benefits of Spiritual Lovemaking

Spiritual lovemaking involves engaging in sexual activities with a deep connection to one's partner and a sense of spiritual energy flowing between them.

One of the significant benefits of spiritual sex is the deepening of the emotional and physical connection between partners. This practice helps the couple to transcend beyond the physical act of sex and focus on the spiritual and emotional beings they are. As a result, they experience a sense of closeness and intimacy that is unmatched by any other form of sexual interaction.

Spiritual love is a powerful tool in stress management. During a spiritual or sexual experience, the body releases oxytocin. Oxytocin is a hormone that promotes relaxation and reduces stress levels. This hormone also positively affects one's emotional state, promoting feelings of bonding, trust, and empathy.

Another benefit of spiritual lovemaking is that it promotes self-awareness and mindfulness. Practising this form of sexual interaction requires one to be present in the moment, focusing on the sensations and energy flowing between the partners. This practice leads to increased self-awareness and understanding of one's emotions, thoughts, and body.

Spiritual sex offers a sacred space for couples to explore their spiritual connection with God, the universe, and their higher selves. This exploration enables the couple to experience a sense of oneness with their partner and the universe, promoting a deeper understanding of their place in the world.

15 Top Ways to Practice Spiritual Sex

Spiritual sex is a profound way to connect with your partner on a deeper level. It's about forming an emotional, physical, and spiritual bond with your partner beyond just the physical act.

If you're looking to explore the practice of spiritual sex, here are 15 tips to get started:

Meditate: Before making love, take a few moments to meditate together. This can help you calm fears or anxieties and set a positive intention for your time together.

  • Find a peaceful space: Choose a location that feels peaceful and quiet. Creating this environment will help you tune into your senses and deeply connect with your partner.
  • Connect energetically: Hold hands, hug, or sit facing each other with your eyes closed. Take deep breaths and visualise your energy intertwining. This connection can help build a more in-depth emotional bond between you and your partner.
  • Intention setting: Set an intention for your lovemaking. Talk about what you want to achieve in terms of spiritual connection or emotional healing.
  • Explore tantric practices: Tantric practices involve connecting with your partner through breathing, touch, and other techniques. Many people find that this kind of ritual increases their intimacy and emotional bond.
  • Focus on the sensations: Pay close attention to your body's and your partner's sensations. Focus on your breath and the way your body responds to touch.
  • Create a calming ritual: Incorporate calming rituals into your routine, such as burning sage or incense, lighting candles, or playing gentle music.
  • Mindful touch: Touch each other with mindfulness and intention. Try to stay present in the moment and focused on your partner.
  • Experiment with massage: Massage each other's body mindfully, intending to heal and pleasure.
  • Move slowly: Take your time and move slowly throughout the process. This will allow you both to stay connected and tune into each other's physical and emotional responses.
  • Explore Kundalini energy: Kundalini energy is considered the "life force" energy flowing through the body. Some people believe you can achieve a deeper spiritual and emotional connection with your partner by awakening this energy.
  • Share your desires and needs: Communicate openly with your partner about your desires and needs. This can help you both feel safe and connected.
  • Eye-gazing: Sit facing each other and gaze into each other's eyes. This practice can help you to feel deeply connected and vulnerable.
  • Focus on pleasure: Practice mindful focus on pleasure during lovemaking. This will help you stay present in the moment and enhance your spiritual connection.
  • Give gratitude: After lovemaking, take a moment to give gratitude for the experience, your partner, and your connection. This practice can help you both appreciate and honour your spiritual connection.

Master Your Love Life and Relationships With Trusted Psychics Australia

Are you tired of struggling with your love life and relationships? Do you feel like you're constantly hitting dead ends and unable to find true happiness with your partner? If so, it's time to turn to Trusted Psychics Australia for guidance and support.

Our team of trusted psychics have years of experience in helping individuals master their love lives and achieve positive intimate experiences in their relationships.

Whether you're struggling with communication trust or don't know how to attract the right partner, our psychics can provide the insight and guidance you need to move forward.

At Trusted Psychics Australia, we use lots of different tools and techniques to help you overcome your challenges and achieve your relationship goals. From tarot card readings to psychic readings and astrology, our team of experts can help you better understand yourself and your partner, identify potential roadblocks in your relationship, and develop strategies for overcoming them.

Whether you're looking to attract a new partner, reignite the spark in your sex life, boost the sexual energy in your current relationship, or move on from a toxic relationship, Trusted Psychics Australia can help you achieve the love and happiness you deserve. Contact us today on Live Messenger chat or over the phone for your personalised Spiritual love reading.

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